
Showing posts from July, 2019

advanced reconstruction techniques

The best answer I received, which was at my last job, was something along the lines of "we have daily scrums with a 2 week sprint. We want to deliver quickly and deploy often. So we expect devs to write automated tests. People do not have to have sex or sexual relationships or partnerships to be happy, especially if they don't want those things. If sex is something you never want, or where you solidly know will only feel good for you under certain conditions that don't ever manifest, then you won't likely badly feel you're missing out on something, since either you just won't want that thing, or will feel strongly that without what you need feel ready, it's going to be a negative, not a positive. For example, for a whole heaping mess of reasons, I don't want to ever get married. cheap dildos It's YOUR life to live. Don't go by others' standards. Make your own. The migrants who participated in Sunday's border rush were a minority among